Thursday, September 27, 2012

BHCC Represents Community College Innovation at AIM4E event

Bunker Hill Community College's Entrepreneurship leaders attend the First Annual Inter-Collegiate Mixer for Entrepreneurship hosted by ePowerhouse at the Microsoft NERD Center in Cambridge MA. The group consisted of new members of the BHCC Entrepreneurship Club (The Firm) in addition to Directors of the Community Center for Entrepreneurship as well as the Department of Workforce Development.   The event brought together several area colleges and student innovators. Many of the attendees were from private universities. BHCC was the only Community College Entrepreneurship Club in attendance at the event and the BHCC students received a warm welcome from the 4 year University students and faculty members from the attending schools.   Several start up concepts and launch ready businesses created by students were hosting demonstrations of their product and.or service. The mixer allowed students from various education levels and backgrounds to network and share their business ideas.  Andre M. Porter , The Executive Director of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts's Office of Small Business & Entrepreneurship also attended and hosted a discussion panel on the topic of entrepreneurship.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Student Activities Link on BHCC Website

If anyone is looking for a brief overview of the clubs available at BHCC ( and their first meeting dates) - check the following Link:

We strongly suggest that clubs reach out to Karen Norton to update this information once the first meeting is complete. Maybe put up a list of future dates or, a more detailed Description of the Club, what it's mission is, and what you are looking to accomplish as an organization. If all clubs updated this information, then everyone can promote this single source to other students who are looking to get involved in student activities. We can help anyone who is having difficulty putting together this brief synopsis.

It's a good idea, to have this information centralized on the web but will ultimately be more helpful if we promoted it as a group so that we can get more active involvement from other students, including night students and students on our extension campuses.

Feel free to reach out to us for more information so we can leverage the power of the web to help bring awareness to the variety of student organizations on the BHCC Campus.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Sign of Things To Come...

The New Lightbox Sign for FirmWear  
This Sign is a small thing for some, but has some deep sentiment for our core team. Again, it's less about The Firm and is more a celebration of the collaboration we've done with our amazing and talented Peers at BHCC - The Club has BIG HUGE GOALS for this semester and beyond and we hope that everyone will make time to connect with us so that we can see those goals through. -Perhaps it was our friend and fellow student Julie Rinaldi who said -"Community College is REAL COLLEGE!" and we're going to make sure that everyone is on the same page with that fact! - Starting with Julie's Sister who is a bit confused on this matter, followed by the rest of the Country.  -   Like we said, we have BIG HUGE GOALS! , so did Apple Icon Steve Jobs and Militant anti-Apartheid activist, and former South African President Nelson Mandela.    From these two, our team remains inspired to INNOVATE, and PERSEVERE.